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This was fun! Very addictive and satisfying game 👍 I think it can be improved by adjusting balance between perks, because after a few waves I mostly increased sonic damage and shield buff and completely skipped missiles and the gun improvements.

(1 edit) (+1)

short, good, more like this


This was really good. Shows what you can achieve with gameplay alone. A genuinely inspiring example.

The only thing I'm not sure about which feels like an intentional design decision (rather than just b/c of time) is the sheer number of waves - it dragged a little bit towards the end. But even that is probably mostly because of uniformity of assets/time limitations.

I'm curious to how much time you spent on the numbers / scaling between levels - did you have a mathematical formula approach to it, or was it just by feel? It worked really well, anyway (until the multiple sonics upgrades kicked in!) :-)

The number of waves wasn't tested. I did have a formula for scaling, but when I first set the wave number, I wasn't even sure if it was possible to win haha.


Nice challenging game. Loved how the numbers gets too big too fast XD. From 3hp in wave1, to a crazy 102 hp in wave11


So fun! It had the right amount of challenge where it fell overwhelming at times, but satisfying to beat in the end


SUPER FUN stacking the missile upgrade is so fun to look at



Reminds me of Holedown! I enjoyed it and got to wave 30 my first try. I got lucking with stacking sonic attacks and high shields. I ended up being able to sit it out and let the shield+sonic combo to continually push the squares back.

Haha sonics + sonic damage is pretty broken right now. Nice job.


quite addictive , and the upgrades are i interesting. its fascinationg how it stood SOLID with no art




Very nice! Could easily be juiced up to make something decent :). I made it to wave 12